Këshilla për kujdesin e kukullave seksuale

Si të zgjidhni lubrifikantin?

In addition to natural physiological lubricants (e.g. human secretions such as sweat), there are several man-made lubricants available in the market. Among these artificial lubricants are those that have a silicone base, a water base, or an oil base. These lubricants were originally designed for use on human skin and cannot all be used on your kukull seksi seksi. So, which type of lubricant should you choose for your kukull dashurie? Is there a risk of damaging your realistic love doll’s skin?

Q1:Can I use natural lubricants?

Of course, you can use the secretions from your own body (saliva) to lubricate the body surface of the silicone & TPE sex doll. Possible drawbacks: limited quantity and emits an unpleasant odor.

Q2: What about water-based lubricants?

Water-based lubricants are by far the best solution. Its many benefits include high efficiency and ease of cleaning. The environmentally friendly, anti-allergenic water-based lubricant has a non-sticky, non-greasy texture that is ideal for use on kukulla seksi për të rritur i bërë prej silicone and TPE. Water-based lubricants will also protect the user from stains. The downside is that they are not suitable for use in water (shower or bathtub).

Q3: Can silicone lubricants be used for kukull seksi pastrimi?

It is important to emphasize here that it is absolutely forbidden to use silicone lubricants on silicone and TPE gjashtë kukulla. Silicone lubricants have excellent lubrication and cleaning functions, but that will irreversibly damage the sex doll’s skin material. The silicone lubricant will react with the made material to produce a mixture that will cause damage to the flow holes of the kukull dashurie‘s body and make it impossible to use for a long time.

Q4: Is an oil-based lubricant suitable?

Again, oil-based lubricants are not recommended here. In addition to making the surface of your kukull me madhësi reale‘s skin too slippery, oil-based lubricants are also very difficult to clean. …… believes how uncomfortable it is when your doll gets stained and you can’t clean it all up!

To sum up, the reliable choice is :  water-based lubricant!